VOOOOOoooooooommmm! vvvvvvvOOOOOOOOOOM! NNYEEEEeeeeeeEEEEERRRRR! Wanna play airplane? Race car? Rocket ship? We could do zoomies 'round and 'round the yard and then lie belly-up in the grass and find shapes in the clouds while we catch our breath. You (best friend) and me (Redd), together forever. I already know I'm going to love you. I love everyone! And I think you'll love me, too. I'm told I'm the best boy ever! I love to play and explore and would probably love to have a dog sibling who would enjoy games of wrestle and chase with me. I'd be a great go-everywhere dog-
I know what you're thinking: "Wow. Has the shelter run out of real cats? This is clearly a picture of a cartoon cat. At best, it's what happens when you feed the phrase 'adorable black cat' into an AI. "Nope! I assure you- I'm completely real. My name is Pudge and not only do I actually exist, but... I'm up for adoption. You could actually have me. Living in your house. Where you could enjoy these little round cheeks every single day. I'm a soft girl in every sense of the word, from my silky fur to my squishy body
My name is Albany and I'm amazing. I'm the sweetest little thing ever. I would be happy as can be if I could just be held all the time. I'll curl up and burrow in and just purr and purr. I love to play, but I'm not a wild party-all-the-time kind of kitten. I'm usually content to quietly explore and take it all in. I love other cats (especially motherly types) and am cautious around dogs, but curious. The thing that makes me a little bit different is, I'm teeny-tiny. At six months old, I'm smaller than kittens half my age. When I
My name is Buddy and I'm a long short dog. Is that contradictory? Maybe, but I'm also an awfully good boy. I wouldn't mind being alone together if we could share some jumbo shrimp. In my unbiased opinion, I deserve the most stupidly brilliant home a dog could have. I'm about five years young- a big little guy (about 30 lb) who loves literally (figuratively) everyone. I get along with other dogs. I get along with cats. I'd be great in a small crowd or as a one-man band. I mean, good grief! You can't go wrong with a dog like me. I'm
My name is Ginger and yeah, I've heard the stereotype that chihuahua mixes bite. And I'll have you know, I don't! Instead, I judge. Sleeping in, huh? Does that mean we're skipping my morning walk? Are you really gonna eat that whole thing and not share even one morsel with the dog? Just kidding. Judge Ginger does have a nice ring and I do 100% look like I'm about to ask to speak to a manager, but I'm actually a sweetheart! At six years old, I've still got a youthful spirit- I like squeaky toys and, if I see a chance and
Karie's Shelter diary, Day 400. Dear Diary, That's right- today is my 400th day in the shelter. Should I celebrate? Cry? I don't really know. I've been in my section longer than almost anyone else here. I've seen plenty of cats come and go, but I've always been passed by. I understand- I'm a 3-year-old shy black cat. I don't stand out and, if I don't often walk up to greet people, I'm not likely to get noticed, much less chosen. But I do wish people understood what they're missing. Because I am worth getting to know. It's true that
If I had a million dollars, I would buy us the coziest house ever - a place for just you and me and our family. My name is Polka, so we could call it... Polka's Place? Polka's Palace? Whatever you like. It would be a quiet retreat from the world. That's what I need. Not, like, a silent hermitage... I'm not that delicate. I'm curious and adaptable. I love to play and I love attention from family and strangers alike. I'd be okay with some company here and there. I've got enough of my own opinions to keep things interesting
Hey there! You wanna have a slumber party? We can cuddle up together on the couch and have so much fun together! Hey, what's your secret spy name? It's your middle name plus the last thing you ate. So, for example, my name is Bear... and I don't have a middle name. Huh. Oh well- new game! I'm only about five months old, so naturally, playing is one of my favorite things! I can't wait to find out what kind of fun we can have together, inventing new games and exploring the world. I love making new friends (dog, cat,
Hey... do you know where my siblings went? If you find them, could you tell them Jake was looking for them? That's me- Jake! The humans tell me they went to "home." I don't know what that means- I'm only four months old, after all. But they tell me that if I get chosen, I'll get to go to a home of my own! I hope I do. Perhaps with a brand new cat brother or sister? I love to wrestle and snuggle with other cats and would be so happy if I could have a playmate. I even like
My name is Violet and, in a world of round holes, I'm a bit of a square peg. I've tried my best to whittle myself down to fit, but... it's not as easy as you would think. That's part of why I lost my last home- I didn't quite fit into the mold my person had in mind. I wasn't kissy enough. I like to be nearby my person, but not on top of them. The other thing is, I'm on the sensitive side. I'm only ten months old, so most of the things in the world are still brand-new