Rain – Ready for Adoption!

My name is Rain and I’m only three months old, but I’m kinda three-months-going-on-thirty, if you know what I mean. Like, yeah, I was literally just born in the spring, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got life basically figured out.  First of all, I’m amazing at making friends. All the other puppies love me. When I meet a human, I take a flying leap right into their lap and lean in. They love it and I get to cuddle them and give them kisses. I learned that move all on my own, mostly ’cause I wanted to be in a human’s lap. Can you blame me?  I guess I’m pretty advanced for my age. Gifted and talented, if you please. I already know how to sit on command and walk on a leash! In fact, even though I’m technically only a little baby, I’d really rather walk than be carried around. I’m a strong, independent woman.  I suppose I can concede, though, that I do have some things still to learn. I mean, it’s literally only been like a month an a half since I learned to walk and eat food, so I can’t be expected to know EVERYTHING, right? But that’s okay, because I trust you to teach me. We’re gonna make a great team.