Zima – Ready for Adoption!

One-eyed, three-legged, deaf, and absolutely perfect! My name is Zima and, as you might guess, I’ve been through a lot in my 5ish years of life.
Technically, I do have two eyes, but only one works. The other is obscured by some old scarring. The deafness? I was probably born that way. My leg… well, I was found in the road, badly injured. The vet said it looked like I was likely thrown from a car. Recovery took months and months and they weren’t able to save my leg.
In spite of it all, I’m a super sweet cat. I make air biscuits when I’m happy, I love having my chin scratched, and I sleep in the bed with my human. With strangers and in strange places (like this one), I’m pretty reserved and a little unsure at first. Just keep things slow and mellow when you meet me and, pretty soon, I’ll be giving you a tentative purr and leaning into your hand.
Being partially blind, deaf, and three-legged doesn’t mean I can’t live a full life. I still love to play (although I usually do it when I think nobody’s looking) and can walk and jump and know what’s going on around me. The one thing I really can’t do, though, is fight. I know I’m vulnerable and other animals often seem to know it, too. I’d like a home with no dogs (they scare me) and no feral children. I like other cats, but they tend to find me an easy target for bullying. So, if I had a cat friend, they would have to be very mellow, very sweet, or totally disinterested in me.  I’ve fought for survival for long enough and I hope that, one day, I might get to live a safe, quiet, life. Little ol’ me, loved, cherished, and spoiled. Wouldn’t that be something?