Book-It – Ready for Adoption!

Whaaaaaaat? You’re looking for a puppy? What a coincidence! I just happen to be looking for a human of my own! My shelter name is Book-it… but let’s be honest. You’re probably gonna change that. The good news is, I’m only four months old, so it’s a great time to learn a new name! Hey, did I hear you were looking for a dog who is good with other dogs and cats? Who is making good progress on housebreaking and likes to sleep in bed with the humans? That’s awesome because I just so happen to fit the bill. And I’d love some humans to sleep with at night.  Any chance you’d like a playmate? I love to play with toys, especially tug toys and squeakies. I’ll make you laugh, too: I’m growing fast (although I don’t know what breed I am or how big I’ll be when I’m grown) and when I run, I don’t always know what to do with my legs, so they go all cattywampus!  Maybe you’re looking for a good student. That would be awesome, because I’m looking for a teacher! I already know how to sit, shake, come when called, and “belly up” for belly rubs. I can’t wait to learn more!
What I’m really hoping for is that you might be looking for a dog whose life you can really change. I’m still a little shy of strangers (and scared of the dark), but I’m a lover and an enthusiastic face-kisser once I get to know you. I’d love the chance to grow up in a safe, stable, loving home where I can build confidence and be the best little Book-it I can be!