Snips and snails and... kitty cat tails! My name is Kevin and I'm all boy and all kitten. At four months old, I'm in the MOST FUN stage! Climbing cat trees and pretending they're giant sequoias! Zooming around like a race car driver! Checking EVERYTHING out! And then passing out in a pile with my brother and sister to nap peacefully. I'm outgoing and affectionate and will climb purring into your arms and help you fix your hair- you look better with a cowlick! Trust me! I love to help my human friends eat their lunches (they tell me that
Paws To Party 2023 Annual Dinner Auction will be held on Sunday, August 20 at the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac. Registration will start at 5 p.m. Please save the date! If you would like to be a sponsor or purchase tickets, go to for more information. We are now accepting auction items, if you would like to donate an item or gift card, please reach out to Lynese at Please let Lynese know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in August!
My name is Gunter and I'm here to bring you 🌞SUNSHINE🌞 and ✨HAPPINESS✨! Here's how I greet people: the first two or three seconds, I go ❓🤨❓and then I go 😄🥰😍 Hey, d'ya think you could pick me up and hold me on your hip like a toddler? I would FREAKING LOVE THAT. I'd be at just the right level for face kisses! I'm like 40 lb, so yeah, I guess most people think I'm probably too big to carry around, but a guy can dream. At about a year old, I'm still practically a baby! And, no matter how
Hello, my darling. My name is Luigi and I'm looking for love. I'm not one for big public displays- Jumbotron smooches? Skywriting? Getting up in front of the whole school and putting me on the spot with a cheesy serenade? I think I would literally sink into the ground. I'm a very loving fellow, but privately- when things are quiet and it's just the two of us and the rest of the world can just... fade away. That's my favorite. I purr and arch up to meet your hand and give cheek rubs and everything. It's beautiful and sweet and only for