What’s in a name? I’m Shadow! Yeah, probably not what you were expecting. I’m a girl. A German Shepherd. And I’m white. But “Snowflake” in German is “Schneeflocke” and no dog in the history of ever has wanted to be named that. So… Shadow it is. In all honesty, that’s kind of where my “defying expectations” thing ends. If you’re a shepherd person, I’m pretty sure you’re gonna like me! I’m a smart lady. If you ask me to sit, I’ll do it, even if you don’t have a treat. I’m cautious and a little aloof around new people, but it’s not that I’m unfriendly. It’s just that I’m taking the time to evaluate the situation.
I like toys and walks, have lived peacefully with children, and have been friendly with other dogs when I’ve encountered them. I’m used to being crated when nobody is home and know how to be a good girl! I haven’t met cats, but could be cat-tested if I had a serious applicant. The other thing is, I’ve got allergies. What can I say? It comes with the whole “fancy schmancy white dog” territory. As long as I stay on my allergy meds, I’m in good shape!
So if you want a lovely, smart, loyal dog, come and check me out!