The world is my oyster, and you? You're my pearl. My name is Teen and I can't wait to spend every day of the rest of my life with you. We can cuddle and I'll purr you to sleep each night. Or we can play! Maybe I can even play with your other cats. I would LOVE to have a cat pal to play with! I'm five months old and just about perfect. I'm super-outgoing and, pretty much every day, at least five different people go from total strangers to completely in love with me. I can't say I blame
New year, same me! Why should I change? I'm perfect! I'm round, sassy, and my elegant goatee is the envy of all the other ladies. Every morning, I look at myself in the mirror and say, "Why, Pogo! You're magnificent!" It's true, too. The humans all agree. I'm an outgoing lady who loves to greet all the shelter visitors and they seem quite charmed by me in return. People love it when I stroll up and rub against their ankles. I know how to work a room. All the other cats? Dogs? Humans? Utterly spellbound by me. And that's the way I
My name is Sammy and I'm nine months old. That means that this is my very first time experiencing a new year!I've heard that the new year is a time when humans think about all the ways they'd like to improve their lives and themselves. And, even though I'm still relatively new here on Earth, I still have a few thoughts on the subject.Like... is your New Years goal to get more active? Then you should probably get a dog! Having someone like me (young, energetic, and very attentive and trainable) to walk would be excellent motivation to get up
Notice: Temporary Closure Due to Inclement Weather Open Door Animal Sanctuary will remain closed today to allow the dedicated staff members who made it in to focus entirely on the care and well-being of our animals. Thank you for your understanding and continued support during this time. 🐾❤️
Let’s clear up a few things: I’m Wylee—a three-month-old puppy, not a coyote. I’ve never chased a desert bird, painted boulder murals, or bought Acme explosives. Okay, I might’ve had one tiny mishap involving a cliff… but let’s focus on the good stuff! I’m a playful, wiggly bundle of joy who adores people, loves other dogs, and is always up for adventure. I’m fearless, curious, and learning new tricks every day—like sitting on command. My energy and enthusiasm make me the perfect age to continue training and socializing into the amazing companion I’m meant to be. But here’s the deal:
Diagnosis: Orange.You may wonder, what does that imply? Uh. Well, my name is Fiddle, but they call me "Fiddlesticks" because I'm always getting myself into some kind of conundrum... or "Goldfish" because I'm pretty sure I have about a five-second memory.I'm one year old, so technically not a kitten, but still absolutely a li'l baby boy. I like to be held and will purr so loudly that people from the next neighborhood over will hear it. I pass the "dangle test" with flying colors: if you pick me up and let my back legs dangle, I'll just chill there. You
Dear Santa Claws, Hi there. You probably know all this, on account of all the seeing me when I'm sleeping and knowing when I'm awake business, but my name is Pamplemousse. And this is my very first Christmas. As you know, I've been a very good girl. I would say I've worked hard to stay on the 'nice' list, but Santa, you know me better than that. It wasn't hard work at all. 'Nice' is just my default setting! Well... "nice" and sometimes just a little bit shy. I've recently moved to a new section in hopes that my family
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen... but do you know me? Olive, the other reindeer? Okay, you got me- I'm not a reindeer. I'm just a graceful, long-legged dog. But I'd be happy to play a reindeer in the Christmas pageant if you like! I'm a very smart girl- trainable and eager-to-please. I'm only nine months old and I've already learned some manners! In my previous home, I was housebroken and not destructive, even when left alone! I know how to sit and I'm friendly with everyone I've met so far. I like to play hard! I get along with
Welcome to CAT PRANKS Joke Shop! Your number one source for shenanigans, tomfoolery, and general monkey business. My name is Leshy and I'm here to help you. Here, shake my paw- BZZZZT! Gotcha! Would you expect any less from your neighborhood purveyor of high-quality hijinks? Can I interest you in a can of spring snakes? A whoopie cushion? Some very realistic fake cat barf? A mouse on a string? That last one is my absolute favorite. I can play with it for hours on end. That's not all. I've got something even better in store for you. Quantities are limited. This
🍎 Albert & Amber's Report Card 🍎 Freshman Year (Age 14) Cuddliness: A+ Friendliness: A+ Littleness: A+ Keeping Tongues in Mouths: D- ... (They're so happy, their tongues can't help but peek out!) Dog Friendliness: A+ Cat Friendliness: B+ (Amber ignores them; Albert enthusiastically chases but means no harm.) Kid Friendliness: A+ Tricks: A for Effort! Their specialty? "Sit there and look cute" – and they absolutely excel at it! 🍂 Teacher's Comments 🍂 Amber (a sweet Yorkie) and Albert (a spirited Dachshund) are the perfect little duo who have brightened every corner of our shelter. At 14 years old,