Sting – Ready for Adoption!

Aaaaaaaand now, preeeeeeeesenting, iiiiiiiin person…ME! …STING! (pause for wild cheering). I’m cute. I’m soft. I love to play. I’m little (4 months old). I get along great with other cats and kittens and dogs and humans and everything and everyone. I’m your typical kitten: friendly, outgoing, curious, and lots and lots of fun. Right now, I don’t always have time for cuddling or being held. That may change as I grow and mature, but right now, there’s a whole exciting world and it’s all new to me! Like, for example, have you ever seen one of these spring toys? Oh man, they’re amazing- when you smack them, they fly across the floor. Or WATER? I’ve heard most cats aren’t into water, but I think it’s lots of fun. When I put my paw in it, it moves around and makes ripples! And they even have a water fountain here that I like to stand on top of and play with. Of all the new wonders I still have to discover in the world, the one I’m most looking forward to is meeting my family, whoever they may be. I can hardly wait to find out! You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?