Starsky – Ready for Adoption!

What should I be for Halloween? Draw a widow’s peak on me and I’m Mickey Mouse! Add some spots around my eyes and I’m a panda. Or you could just leave me as I am now and I’m a prince. An angel. A superhero. Just me: Starsky! This year, though, I don’t really want to go alone. I’m not an “alone” kinda guy. I love humans A LOT! I like to dance with them, go for walks with them, play with them, cuddle in their laps, learn tricks from them, and see them smile. I love belly rubs and just being around them.  Even though the whole staff adores me thinks I’m The Very Best Boy and even though I’d be great in all kinds of homes and it’s impossible to meet me and not love me, I’ve been here at the shelter for a little while. That’s because I came in with heartworm disease, so I needed to be treated for that before I could be adopted. It was painful and it took a long time, but my tail never stopped wagging throughout! Nothing gets me down.  So I haven’t gotten to have official meetings with other dogs or cats, but I did find a baby opossum in the yard once and I didn’t hurt it or pester it. I just showed the humans so they could make sure it was okay. I would still like to do a meet and greet with any potential dog siblings and could have a cat test at the shelter before going home with cats, but I think it’s likely that I’ll love everything I meet.  So I don’t know what I want to be for Halloween, but I know what I want to be for real: part of your family. Your best buddy. Come check me out!