Ravinia – Ready for Adoption!

When I heard the story about Peter Pan and how he lost his shadow, I thought “That sounds like a job for me!” I’m an excellent shadow- quietly nearby or at your heels even when we’re not actively playing or snuggling. I just want to be near you. I thought it sounded like a great idea: Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and me- Ravinia. But then I learned that Peter Pan is fictional and also probably not a very responsible pet owner, so I thought…
Maybe I could be Winston Smith’s cat. When the world outside is hostile and Big Brother is always watching, I could be a constant presence- someone who could keep a secret. Someone anyone could trust to have their back. I’m always good for a snuggle when you’ve had a bad (or doubleplus ungood) day and I feel like I could be of some use…What? Also fictional? Aw, man…Uh… The Jellicle Cats? I mean, they’re not people and I’d kind of rather live in a home than an alley, but I do get along really well with other cats and might just fit- oh. Fictional. How about Atticus Finch? He’s got a whole family and I would be great in a family. I’m very outgoing and love people and I’m mellow enough to be able to spend some time just chilling while my people prepare for a trial. Or the Pevensie children- not only would I absolutely follow them through that wardrobe into Narnia and happily go on adventures with them, but I could introduce them to the idea that cats are kind and also… that cats are royalty. Okay, okay, I’m catching on- they’re all fictional, right? And what I need is a real live person to adopt me. I guess that means I won’t be helping to keep Jack Torrance grounded with my purrs (things would have gone a lot more smoothly in the Overlook Hotel if I were there, is all I’m saying) or convincing Holden Caulfield that we’re not ALL phonies. But I bet you could use a cat like me in your life. Almost anyone could!