Why am I wearing a chicken on my head? It's because I'm just a little TOO magnificent! I wouldn't want you to be intimidated, you know? And also, I don't want you to look at this noble countenance and think, "Check out all that pomp and circumstance. I bet that guy's too respectable to be any fun." You guys, I'm nothing BUT fun! My name is Splat, by the way. See? Hardly any gravitas at all. With this chicken on my head, you might even say I'm... eggcentric. Anywho, now that I've put you at ease, let me get into the
Whatcha doin'? Can I help? I bet I could contribute in ways you've never even thought of! My name is Beverly, by the way. I'm eight months old. So I'm old enough to be past the "fragile baby" stage, but I'm still a kid! I bet life will be pretty sweet once I'm your cat. I love to play. I love my cat friends. And I especially love my human pals! Right at first, I can be a little shy. There's a lot of activity here and it's sensible to be cautious, right? I mean, I live in a public place. But I'll
Code name: Nala. That's right. I may be disguised as a pink fluffy teddy bear, but I'm a little dog! Did I fool you? That's okay. Don't feel bad if I did. It's not that I'm a master of disguise. It's that I exude "pink fluffy teddy bear" vibes! When people talk about all the things a dog can teach you, I'm the dog they're talking about. The open-heartedness. The resilience. The joie de vivre. The unconditional love. The ability to REALLY enjoy a nap. I've got it all!I'm a 24-lb cuddle buddy- a little round around the middle, like
I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas. I've had enough of the white stuff. It's a different kind of Christmas I'm dreaming of. No, I want a warm Christmas. A Christmas with a soft bed and a full belly and maybe even my own Christmas jammies. See, last Christmas, I didn't have any of those things. I was left tied to the shelter fence on Christmas day. As soon as I saw another human (a customer in the parking lot), I pulled loose and ran straight to him, then followed him to the office. Everyone seemed really concerned, especially because
Derby for the Dogs – A Fun-Filled Benefit for Open Door Animal Sanctuary! 🐾 Join us for Derby for the Dogs on May 17 from 12-5 PM at 2nd Shift Brewing (1601 Sublette Ave., St. Louis 63110)! This Kentucky Derby-themed event is FREE to attend—come enjoy the excitement, sip on a mint julep, and take part in the fun! 👒 Dress to Impress!Put on your best Derby attire and compete in our Best Derby Hat Contest—because no Derby celebration is complete without fabulous hats! 🎩 🎟️ How It Works: Raffle tickets are just $1 each! Use them to bid on
I'm Baton Rouge and I'm looking for love, but I don't mean romance. I mean, I had my kittens, raised them, sent them off to good homes, and now I'm spayed. My romancin' days are behind me (thank goodness.) What I'm looking for is family. Not biological family. Everyone I'm related to is a cat and I'm not a fan of other cats. I prefer humans. I'm looking for the best kind of family: found family. The kind who chooses you and keeps on choosing you. The people here are close to it. I get to hear a lot about
"Small dogs go fast!" "Everyone wants a small dog!" It's true! ... Well, most of the time. Puddle and Legs have been waiting over a year for their home and have had no prospects. One the one hand, there are reasons for that: Puddle and Legs are both 11 years old (so, yes- they're eligible for the Seniors-4-Seniors program!). They're bonded and must stay together. They're not shih tzus or poodles or corgis or dachshunds. They're purebred Little Tan Dogs. And, the biggest thing: they're shy. Like, if you came today and wanted to meet them, they probably wouldn't let you pet
I've been called many things: "The perfect cat for a grandma who wants someone to cuddle." "The perfect cat for a kid who wants someone to cuddle." "The perfect cat for someone who gets lonely and wants someone to cuddle." "The perfect cat for someone who has other cats, but wants a cuddler." "The perfect cat for a busy person who comes home at the end of a long day and wants someone to cuddle." You get the idea. Or, sometimes, they just call me by my name: Wilma. I'm fluffy. I'm pretty. I love a lap. I'm the kind of cat
My name is Sous Vide and I'm the head of the Couch Potato Anti-Defamation League. Or, I would be... but it sounds like a lot of effort. I just think lazy people (er... cats) deserve a little credit. I mean, we're not the ones who are out there starting wars, right? No, I'm not pregnant. And no, I'm not old (I'm only two). I'm just a rotund lady who happens to be super chill. I love people, I love attention, I like to play a little when I feel like it, and, of course, I love taking naps. I'm a
My name is Della and nothing can stop me! Okay, yeah, so I might have to have my moment of panic right at first. But give me, like, a second and a half and I'll get over it and explode into joyful wiggles. I'm only six months old, so I'm still finding my place in the world. Pretty much anything worth doing- anything that's big and wonderful, like falling in love with a human or a dog- is scary at first and hard at times, right? I happen to think I'm easy to love, though: super sweet and affectionate, exceedingly