Luna – Ready for Adoption!

Luna is an incredibly sweet, playful, and affectionate three-year-old dog. She is gentle with other animals, outgoing with strangers, and has a wonderful, loving personality. Luna has a unique way of connecting with people – she loves to cuddle and lean into you, gazing up like you’re the most important person in the world.

Despite a neurological condition that makes it a bit challenging for her to pick up her feet and stay perfectly balanced, Luna gets around quite well. She would thrive in a home without a lot of stairs and prefers shorter walks on softer surfaces. Other than that, she’s a healthy and happy girl who’s ready to bring joy to a loving family.

Some may overlook Luna due to her condition, but those who see her true potential will gain a wonderful companion full of love and loyalty. Luna is excited to find a home where her unique qualities are cherished – and that could be with you!