adoptable cat

Lorax – Ready for Adoption!

My name is Lorax, and I have a story to share with you. I was abandoned, pregnant and left to fend for myself. It was a tough journey, but fortunately, someone came to my rescue. They provided me with a safe place to have my kittens, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Thanks to their help, all my little ones have found loving homes, free from the troubles I’ve experienced.

Despite everything I’ve been through, my spirit remains unbroken. I am still as sweet and loving as can be. I get along well with other cats, and I’m incredibly affectionate with my human friends. When I meet someone new, I may be a bit cautious at first, but I’ll approach them with a curious “mrrp?” and a gentle cheek rub. It may take me a little time to fully trust, but I truly want to be friends. I want people to know that I am a good kitty, deserving of love.

There is so much more I want to share with you, just as there is so much more I want to discover about myself. At only two years old, I have a whole beautiful life ahead of me. The thought of finding a home and a family of my own feels like embarking on a grand adventure. It’s both scary and overwhelming, yet incredibly exciting and wonderful.

So here I am, Lorax, delighted to make your acquaintance.  I’m ready to embark on this new chapter of my life and find a forever home filled with love and warmth. Will you be the one to open your heart and welcome me into your family?