Gummy Bear – Ready For Adoption!

My name is Gummy Bear! Only, of course, I’m not so gummy. I’ve got teeth. And I’m a dog, not a bear. But I don’t mind. You can call me whatever you like.
I’m only four months old, but I’ve already seen a lot of different ways that people can treat dogs. The first people I knew moved away from their home and abandoned my mom. They took my siblings and me along at first, but I guess they couldn’t find anyone who wanted us, ’cause they brought us back to our old house and left us in a neighbor’s yard. They showed the neighbor a gun and said if she couldn’t take us, they would just go ahead and shoot us. The neighbor didn’t like that idea at all, so she brought us all to Open Door!  That’s where I got to learn about how lovely and kind people can be. I’m still a little bit shy at first when I meet new people, but I warm up quickly. I REALLY love to play fetch, so if you throw a toy for me, I’ll be your best pal! I get really excited when I see other dogs and would probably love a dog friend to play with. I know how to sit and would love the chance to learn more!
I’m still growing, of course, but I’m only about 15 lb at 19 weeks old and my mom was about 35-40 lb. So I’m not gonna be a toy breed, but I don’t expect that I’ll grow up to be gigantic. I can’t really narrow it down much further than that!  I’m looking forward to meeting more people who can show me the good side of humanity. I want to grow up loved and cherished! You seem really lovely, by the way… could you be my person?