Dino – Ready for Adoption!

They say that blue cats are good luck. If you have a blue cat in your life, it’s guaranteed to get better.  Who is “they?” Don’t ask me. But, personally, I believe it! I Give it the Dino seal of veracity.  I mean, everyone I encounter seems to instantly become happier and calmer the moment they touch me. That can’t be a coincidence, can it?  Sure, sure… maybe it’s because, as soon as someone comes into my apartment, I come running and try to climb into their arms. If you don’t pick me up or sit down to let me get in your lap immediately, I’ll leannnn up against you.  If you do pick me up (and, let’s be honest- you’re going to. Who could resist?), well… now, you’re committed. I’ll start to purr. I’ll nestle my head into your chest. My body will start to relax. Your body will start to relax. And, soon, we’re a puddle on the floor. Hope you didn’t have any plans today that didn’t involve holding me!  If you HAVE to put me down, there’s only one way that I’ll accept: if there’s a toy waiting for me.  I’m kinda boneless. I’m a noodle cat. So when you put me down on the ground, I just flop. I can play just as easily lying down as I can standing up, right? My preferred game is “roll around with a toy until such time as I can get someone to pick me up again.”  You may have questions about my squinty eyeball. Well, I’ve been on about a gazillion different meds for it and it’s still a little squinty, so it seems to be a chronic thing. My friends here think it may get better once I’m in a home and under less stress. Right now, I live with 40 other cats and I’d really prefer to be a one-and-only, feline-wise, so… there’s one big stressor that I definitely won’t have in my new home!  Oh, there’s one more piece of good luck that I haven’t mentioned yet: since I’m such a phenomenal dude, my adoption fee was sponsored by a donor who couldn’t take me home with him, but wanted to help me find my place. So, it really is your lucky day! I would be a no-fee adoption after a normal application process.  So go ahead and change your luck… and mine! Come out and meet me!  My name is Dino, I’m about two years old, and I’m neutered, up to date on shots, and fully vetted.