cat adoption Ezra

Ezra – Ready for Adoption!

Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other’s gold. I’m Ezra and that’s me- from my golden fur to my golden heart. I love my friends- the cats I came in with, the humans who look after me here, and pretty much everyone I know! But also, I’m always ready to make new friends. I’m a very outgoing and sweet boy- if you quit petting me for a moment, I’ll grab your hand with my paw or give you a love nibble to remind you that I’m not done snuggling yet.
I’m just a youngster- a year or so old! So I’m easily distracted by TOYS! I love to play and I especially love to play with YOU. When I check my crystal ball and look into the future, I see myself being quite cuddly. Right now, though, there’s so much to explore and learn! I mean, if you visited the Smithsonian, would you be wasting your time there snoozing in someone’s lap? Not a chance! After a little while, though, yeah- you’d want to settle in next to your best pal. Me too.
I can’t wait to make friends with you and everyone else in your family- human and animal! I get along very well with other cats of all dispositions and have yet to meet dogs, but I’m pretty sure I could get used to them. Whatever it takes to be yours! I’m about a year old, and I’m neutered, up-to-date on shots, and fully vetted.