adoptable cat

Kevin – Ready for Adoption!

Snips and snails and… kitty cat tails! My name is Kevin and I’m all boy and all kitten. At four months old, I’m in the MOST FUN stage! Climbing cat trees and pretending they’re giant sequoias! Zooming around like a race car driver! Checking EVERYTHING out! And then passing out in a pile with my brother and sister to nap peacefully.
I’m outgoing and affectionate and will climb purring into your arms and help you fix your hair- you look better with a cowlick! Trust me! I love to help my human friends eat their lunches (they tell me that most of their stuff is “not for kitties,” but I’m determined to prove them wrong!). I mean, being a kitten is pretty cool! You just spend your days playing and cuddling and eating and sleeping… I’ve even gotten to play with other cats and, when I’ve met dogs, I haven’t been scared of them or ANYTHING! I’m confident and curious and just as cute as a button.  Hey! Can I come home with you? We can get into all kinds of trouble together.