Willow – Ready for Adoption!

My name is Willow and I want so many things out of life!  I want to be a normal dog, of course. With a normal family full of love. Maybe another dog or kids to play with! I’ve lived with and done well with both before. I want the chance to snooze on the couch, get dressed up for Halloween, and end up dominating my humans’ camera roll (With these freckles and panda bear eyes, who could resist?).  But also, the thing is… I’m extraordinary. I’m astonishing. I’m the kind of dog who could run obstacle courses and learn all that cool stuff you see dogs do on TikTok. I’m smart and full of energy. I love chew toys, cuddles, and belly rubs. I’m friendly, exuberant, and eager to please. And when I love you, I love HARD.  I can just picture us romping in the yard together, going hiking or swimming or to training classes, and… you know… being best friends forever. I’m only a year old- barely out of the puppy stage- and I have the rest of my life to spend with you!  So whether you want a dog with star quality, a dog with champion quality, or a dog with best friend quality… I’m all of those wrapped into one! Come and meet me- you’ll see!