adoptable dog

Boulder – Ready for Adoption!

First of all, yes. I really am this color. I’m not chocolate or black… more of a misty silver-blue. Oooooh.  My name is Boulder and, oh man, does it fit! I’m a big guy. Solid. Nearly 80 lb of muscle. And definitely outdoorsy. I’m not the type of dog to sit at your feet all day long while you do needlepoint and drink tea. Nothing against that stuff- it’s cool and all- but it’s not my style.  If, on the other paw, you’re looking for a hiking, biking, running, rock climbing buddy (no, I don’t have thumbs, but… don’t underestimate me, human!), I’m your man. Er… canine. I’m a really friendly dude who loves all kinds of humans, but would like a home where I can be a single pringle, pet-wise. Also, I should warn you that if you have any, like, kids or grandparents or whatever who are easily knocked over, I am totally going to knock them over. So if that’s a problem for you, my bipedal friend, I might not be your perfect puzzle piece.
But if what you want is a cool, powerful, impressive, gorgeous, young (just 1 year old) best buddy who can keep up with you and your active lifestyle, I am 100% your dude. So come on out and meet me!