Sadie – Ready for Adoption!

I know people prefer it when dogs can be put neatly in little boxes. This one is cuddly. That one is wild. This one is a couch potato. That one is shy. This one is gentle. That one is aggressive. Period. When you get down to it, no dog fits perfectly into those boxes. We’re living animals with our own complete personalities. Especially me. My name is Sadie and I defy classification.  At the root of it, I guess it’s actually pretty simple. I’m scared. I lost my family and came to a shelter full of strange people and dogs. I know I look tough… and I try to act tough. I don’t want to get hurt.
I’m trying, though. When I meet someone new, I bark at them. I don’t know what else to do. But when they spend a little time with me, give me a few treats, and show me that I can trust them, I settle down a lot. I’m really smart and great at doing tricks, so if you ask me to show off my sits and shakes, I will 100% do it… while barking at you. But don’t give up on me. You’ll see me start to gain confidence right before your very eyes. Slowly, but surely, I’ll let you pet me.
The shelter is not the right place for me. I had to come here when my person was deployed and my previous family had dogs, cats and little kids and my person said I did great with all of them! I had to come here when they were deployed and inside the gates of the shelter, I’ve been tense and barky and that’s made it hard to make friends.  I’m not just one thing. I’m a lot of things, all at once. But there’s only one thing I really want – to be someone’s baby again. To feel safe and be loved and be able to wake up every day secure in the idea that my family will always be there for me.  In return, I’ll show you how smart and teachable I am. How I walk nicely on a leash and would protect you with my life. How I could be your best dog ever if given the chance.