Dori – Ready for Adoption!

My name is Dori! You’d probably guess that I’m a girl dog on account of my name, but I’m actually a boy. There are two things you’ve probably heard and I’m here to do some myth busting.  Number one, you probably think that puppies always get adopted right away! Everyone wants puppies right? Well if that’s the case, how come I’m five months old and still waiting for a family, huh? Sure, lots of people do want puppies, but if you’ve got 50 puppy adopters and 30363564574577346345545262464 puppies… you’re gonna have some leftovers. Like me.  Number two, I bet you’ve heard that five-month-old puppies are total nutcases. And… okay, yeah. Yeah, I am. That one’s true. But I’m a really SWEET nutcase and it’s just a phase and, really, it’s mostly that I live in a shelter and I’ve just got ants in my pants and need to dance! Once I’m in a home, we can work together and I can learn to channel all this energy into awesomeness.  I’ve got a good start. I’m really friendly and I get along with other dogs and humans. Haven’t met a cat yet! I bet that would be exciting!
Here’s another truth you oughta know: All dogs deserve homes. Including me! I don’t want to be a “leftover” any longer. It’s time for me to be chosen!