adoptable dog ready for adoption

Toffee – Ready for Adoption!

Hi! I’m Toffee! I’m a good boy! Wanna be my best friend? Too late! I’ve already decided! We’re TOTALLY best friends. Hey, let’s go for a walk! No wait- let’s play tennis ball! Oooh, hang on- are those treats? Guess what?! I know how to SIT for treats! I’m really good at it. Hey, do you think you could teach me some more tricks? I’d love to learn! I’m smart and eager to please. Sometimes, I get excited just to see people and I forget my manners and jump! Can you blame me? I just REALLY love people! It doesn’t take me too long to settle down a little and focus, though, and then… I’m a star pupil. I walk nicely on a leash and take instructions well. I haven’t gotten the chance to have many play dates with other animals yet- see, even though I’ve been in the shelter for a while, most of that has been spent going through heartworm treatment. Crazy, right? I mean, I’m only a year old! But now that’s behind me and I’m good to go- no further treatment needed! I’d love to meet your dog if you have one and see if we’d be a good match. And if you don’t? What are you even doing, bro?! You need a dog! I’ve got high hopes for my life going forward and you know what I think would be cool? Spending every day with someone like you! What do you think? Can we make it happen? Have your people call my people.