adoptable cat

Shelby – Ready for Adoption!

My name is Shelby and let’s be honest- you’ve already fallen in love with me. Look at this face. You can just TELL I’m perfect, right?
But I get it. You still want the details… just to make sure.  Well, I’m about a year old and I get along great with other cats and show no fear of dogs.
I’m not into being picked up… at least not right now. I may be more of a hold-me kitty once I get some time to feel safe in my home, but I can’t say for sure. Every cat is an individual, right? But not wanting to be picked up doesn’t make me any less friendly and affectionate. I love meeting new people and giving sweet little cheek rubs and headbutts. I’m sweet and engaging and love treats and toys.
My favorite thing in all the world, though, is napping in an open (screened) window. And, since we’re right at the start of “open window” season, I think that’s a sign that you should come and adopt me right now! I love soaking up sunbeams, watching the wildlife or the dogs, and generally enjoying the fresh air from the safety of my perch.  So if you’re looking for a cat who is beautiful, sweet, laid-back-but-curious, and perfect for you… I’ll be here waiting!
adoptable cat