adoptable kittens

Lou – Ready for Adoption!

Hiya, I’m Lou! That’s me in front with my sister.  Actually, I’ve have SIX sisters! I’m the only dude in the bunch. We’re six months old and we’ve been waiting far too long for homes of our own.  Are you a big fan of orange? We’ve got you covered. Three of us are lovely vibrant orange tabbies and the other four are soft, creamy buff-colored cats. We definitely all got the “gorgeous” gene.
We all love to play and we’re interested in investigating pretty much everything. We’re still working on becoming cuddly with strangers. I’m one of the most outgoing of the group and don’t mind being scooped up like a ragdoll from time to time, but some of my sisters are a little more on the shy side and may need a little more time to warm up.  We’re still just kids, but growing up here. It’s the age where if we get a chance, even the shyest of my sisters will learn to be a loving pet. But there’s also a good possibility that we could grow to adulthood in the shelter and never get to know how great it is to be in a home.  ALL of us love toys and will come running for a “cat catcher” play session! If you want to get our attention, that’s the way to our hearts.  So come take your pick of any one of us! I’m Lou and my sisters are: Amita, Tammy, Constance, Daphne, Debbie and Rose.   We’re each available for adoption individually (although if you want more than one of us, we wouldn’t mind!).