Jerry – Ready for Adoption!

Some may find it hard to know their place in the world, but I don’t. It’s my world. I’m just waiting for everyone else to recognize it. My name is Jerry and I’m your future feline overlord.  I’m about five and a half years old. If I like you, I’ll let you know it. And I do like most people. I’m a handsome, personable guy. Love me a play session or some cat treats. Love patrolling the area or just hanging out where I can keep an eye on the action. I’m a cat’s cat.
Now, about the whole “other cats” thing. In the shelter, I live with 49 other cats. During the day, I’m out running around with most of them and we get along basically fine. I prefer that they not get in my face, but unless they start something, I can live conflict-free. However, I was recently returned from an adoption for fighting with the other cats in the home, so… make of that what you will. I would probably love to be an only cat, but it’s not necessarily a 100% requirement. I have lived with dogs and had no reported problem with them.  Part of being the boss of the world is making sure everyone knows it. In the shelter, I’m a cool dude who goes with the flow, but likes my routine. In one of my previous homes, rumor has it that I could be nippy. Again, it’s not a behavior I’ve shown in the shelter, but I would probably do best in a home without tiny toddlers.  Perhaps you’d like to rule alongside me. Or perhaps you could be my favorite subject. Let’s make it happen!