Gallimimus – Ready for Adoption!

Do you find beauty in the strange and fantastical? Are you a connoisseur of the peculiar? I may be a curious creature, but, you see… I think perhaps we’re made for each other.  My name is Gallimimus. Like the dinosaur. And, at nine months old, I’m still quite young. My unique look isn’t because of any particular breeding. I’m just naturally one-of-a-kind. You’ll often find me upside-down, just looking at the world from a different angle. You can tickle my belly when you see it. I don’t mind.  Like many oddballs, I’m both something of an outcast and part of a large and fiercely loving “found family.” I was abandoned by my previous person- left in a carrier in the shelter parking lot along with a total of 19 other cats. It’s okay, though- I still adore humans. And other cats. In fact, when I do finally get to settle down in a permanent home, I need it to be one with another friendly cat. If you don’t already have one, might I recommend my favorite sister, Diplodocus? She’s pretty grand, herself.  I’m kind of up for anything. Dressing up for Halloween? Absolutely. Let’s do it. Being carried all over the shelter just so everyone can see how cute I am? Sure! Is there a game of String going on over there? Let’s make it our own. Wanna wear carry a black umbrella and stand silently on the outskirts of random funerals so that everybody wonders if the deceased had a dark secret? Whatever floats your boat! So if you’re looking for a cat who is a little… extraordinary, pick me!