adoptable cat

Duckie- Ready for Adoption!

My name is Duckie and I’ll be honest: I’m having kind of a hard time. First of all, I’m completely blind. These big eyes that reflect iridescent blue when the light hits them, like there’s a galaxy inside me… they don’t really work. That doesn’t make my life any less full or happy and doesn’t make me any less worthy of love, but it does mean that things are sometimes confusing for me at first. Being in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people can be extra-terrifying when you can’t see. So when my person put me in a plastic box with seven other cats, wrapped it up in duct tape, and dumped it in the shelter parking lot… I was beside myself. The shelter is huge and overwhelming, but I know they love me here. I even got to see an eye doctor. He says I’ve likely been blind from birth or from a very young age and that it may be congenital or due to malnutrition. But I don’t need any medicine or special eye care. What I do need is some patience, consistency, and peace and quiet while I adjust. Lots of wet food. And tons of love. I adore other cats and would love to have a cat sibling to cuddle with. I’m very chatty, so we can have all kinds of conversations! I promise I won’t judge your grammar if you meow back at me. I know “cat” isn’t your first language. I love to groom my friends, human and feline. It’s just my way of taking care of you! I do sometimes get a little overenthusiastic and punctuate my grooming sessions with a love nip or two. I’m still not quite comfortable in the shelter, so when you come and meet me, please keep that in mind. It’s just not the right place for me, which is why I need your help. Can you help me find a home? Someone who will take good care of me for the rest of my life? I know the right person for me is out there.