Diplodocus – Ready for Adoption!

Home, the final frontier… These are the voyages of the Starship Diplodocus. My continuing mission: To explore strange new worlds, cabinets, and nooks and crannies. To seek out new life and civilizations and make friends with them. To boldly go where no cat has gone before.
You may call me an explorer. The truth is, I began as more of an intergalactic castaway. I crash-landed here at Open Door, along with the rest of my crew. We were quite lost, of course… but don’t the best adventures begin that way?  When we disembarked our spacecraft, we found a virtual paradise, quite unlike what we had experienced in the past. On this planet, it appears the two-legged crested tentacle beasts (hummans? Houmans? I can never remember how to pronounce it) are subservient to our kind. They spend each day attending to all our domestic, hygienic, emotional, and entertainment needs. How wonderful!  My proper name is Mɱȉ溰0ʬ, of course, but the hoemanns call me “Diplodocus,” and I rather like it. They say it with such affection (aww, Diplodocus!) when I flop on the floor to look at something from a different angle or play charmingly with a toy or run up to someone and greet them with a headbutt.
For although I have many friends in my own cat metropolis, I long to explore the outer reaches of the solar system. I love dogs and other cats and love to meet new humenns, so I often slip through the doors within the shelter and go visiting. The haymuns are especially vigilant around the exterior doors, as they say it’s not safe for catkind outside. Perhaps the atmosphere is not breathable. I can only speculate.
They think it’s simple wanderlust, but I’m searching for something specific: Alpha Hometauri. A. Home. You see, I do want to settle down. I need a home with some of my own kind: at least one other friendly cat. If you don’t already have one, I wouldn’t mind being adopted with my sister, Gallimimus.