Toast – Ready for Adoption!

Oh my days. Oh my word. Oh my stars. Oh my lanta. I can’t WAIT to meet you! My name is Toast. Yes, that’s right. Literally everything about me is over-the-top adorable, including my name. First of all, I’m game for anything. If you’ve been dreaming of “the kind of cat you can [insert activity] with,” I’m probably that cat. Ten bucks says you could dress me up as a tiny little cowgirl and teach me to give high fives if you wanted to. Although really, I’ve got more of a Tim Burton cheerful goth girl vibe… so if you wanted to, like, draw spooky pictures together while listening to a children’s choir sing folk songs in a minor key, I’d also be down for that. Or… you know… you could just hold me like a baby. I already know I love that.
Are you a party animal? I love people and will happily greet your guests. A homebody? Awesome, then it’s just you and me! Do you have other pets? Cool- I get along well with cats and, while I haven’t met dogs, I think I’d do fine with them with a proper introduction. Do you want to play? Great! Me too! Do you just want to gaze at me and marvel at the fact that such a perfect little creature lives with you, in your home? Okie dokie artichokey! Let’s do it!
So if you’ve been dreaming of a cat, but waiting for a REALLY COOL one to catch your eye, I’ve just got one question: when are you coming to get me?