Delta – Ready for Adoption!

This week we got to see our sweet Kailani off to a new home after nearly 12 years in the shelter!  Would it be too much to ask for another miracle? Delta needs some of that magic! More than one person was interested in giving Kailani a shot and some of you said things like “I would have taken her years ago.” So now’s your chance! Kailaini’s adoption fee was sponsored and her adopters chose to pay it forward to help get other shy cats out of the shelter and keep them from having to be “lifers.”  So let’s make it happen for Delta next. I’m obsessed with Delta. She is a DOLL. She’s spent three and a half years in the shelter- since she was just two months old. She’s been here 1,300 days.  Delta’s great with other cats. She’s got the sweetest personality. She loves treats and loves to play. And yes, she really is that cross-eyed! And she does constantly look a little perplexed by something that’s going on over there 👉 and also over there 👈.  Like Kailani, she’s just shy. That’s why she’s still here. She does love attention from the people she sees every day and trusts. Once she knows you’re cool, she’ll follow you all over the place (usually at a distance, peeking at you from around corners all sneaky-like) and then come check you out in her own time.  We’ve seen many shy cats blossom in homes with a little patience and a little grace and we think Delta is ready. She just needs a place she can feel secure and she’s going to really enjoy being someone’s baby.  To meet Delta, please come to the shelter- we’re there 7 days a week, 10-4. We’d be happy to introduce you!  Delta’s adoption fee is sponsored in honor of what would have been Becky Rothman’s (whom you may know as Becky, Queen of Carpets) 68th birthday, so she would be a no-fee adoption to a qualified home.