adoptable cats

Bacardi & Malibu – Ready for Adoption!

Hi! I’m Bacardi and this is my sister, Malibu! I know it’s hard to tell where one of us ends and the other begins, but we are actually two separate kittens… who would love a home together. I’m the one in front with the little orange dot on my head.
We’re about six months old and we take a lot of comfort from each other’s company. When things are quiet, you’ll usually find us curled up together, often nursing on each other’s fur.  Both of us, once we get to know you, want to be BEST friends with you! I want to share your chair (or steal it if you get up) and help you out with all manner of office work. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than right by your side at all times! My sister will usually come hang out with us for a while, then go spend some time alone, then come back to hang out again.
Both of us are a little cautious at first around new people and in new situations, but it doesn’t take long for us to come out of our shells! Malibu is a quiet soul and I’m a talker. Neither one of us really enjoys being picked up and held, but we both still love attention! I especially love having my chin scratched and will sit there, blissed out, soaking up the chin scratches for as long as you’re willing to give them. My sister, believe it or not, loves having her belly rubbed!
At six months old, we’re quickly growing up in the shelter. It means we don’t want to wait any longer for a home! It also means we’re just perfect in a lot of practical ways. We’re still kittens, but big enough to be past the super-fragile stage and to start to develop our own personalities. And with two of us who already love each other, you never have to worry about us being lonely! We’ve encountered a lot in our short lives, so we know we get along well with all kinds of dogs and other cats. We can handle a fair amount of chaos and activity in the home, but also love quiet moments. And, of course, we LOVE to play!  So don’t let us grow up in the shelter. Come check us out!