adoptable cat

Bacardi – Ready for Adoption!

My name is Bacardi and I’m still trying to find myself.  I mean, I’m only five months old. Most kids my age don’t completely know what they’re going to be when they grow up, right?  Will I be shy? Curious? Cuddly? Or more than just one thing? I recently moved to a whole new section in the shelter and it’s fantastic. I’ve been exploring and learning so much about myself and the world.  Like, I’ve learned that I can do flips! Get me a string toy and you’ll have your own personal Cirque du Soleil. And that I really love being around people. I used to be pretty shy and I might still need time to adjust to a new home, but now that I’ve got a taste of what it means to love and be loved… it’s ON!  I’m not really sure about being picked up yet. I’ve got too much stuff to do! Maybe I will as I get older or as I get more comfortable with my family… or maybe not. Who knows? I do love attention- being petted, sleeping in someone’s chair with them, having my ears scratched…  The way to my heart is definitely through my stomach, which is awesome because it means there’s always something I want. So if you want to make friends with me, offer me food. If you want to celebrate something, food. If you need me to get into a carrier or want to train me… yep. Food.
I’ve been around dogs and I don’t have any problem with them! As for other cats… I really want to make friends, but I can sometimes be a little bit socially awkward! I would love to live with a friendly, mellow cat… or just be adopted with my sister- we already “get” each other.  What I really need is someone who will love me for ME! Who will allow me to explore and go through phases and experiment until I figure out what really makes me who I am. Don’t we all deserve that?