Button – Ready for Adoptoin!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “cute as a button” and wondered what it really meant? Well, fun fact: it actually refers to me. My name is Buttons and I am the actual pinnacle of cuteness. The standard by which all other cute things are measured.  I’m on the petite side, but I’m about three years old- fully grown!  I’m funny and personable and a little on the scrappy side. I’ve been known to help myself to unattended human lunches. They say ravioli’s not for cats, but I disagree! I’m the kind of cat who will follow you around, come when called, and who loves to be in the thick of things.  If you pick me up and hold me, I’ll purr. If you reach down to pet me, I’ll stretch up to reach you. It doesn’t take long to become my best friend.  Now, when it comes to other cats, I’m pickier about my pals. I can coexist peacefully with them, but will not hesitate to smack them if they get in my bubble. So I’m not going to say I need to be an only cat, but I want to be YOUR bestie, not your cat’s. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting dogs yet, so I’m not sure what I’d think of them.
So if you want a cat who’s adorable, affectionate, little, and likes to be held, check me out! I’m cute as a button!  I’m three years old, spayed, up to date on shots and fully vetted.